Tag Archives: creative writing

The shop is shut

Well, if you haven’t already got your submission for Issue Two in to us then you have missed out. Yes, the deadline has closed and the shop is shut. For the moment at least. Now Beth and I are going to spend the weekend wading through all the great articles, stories and images we received over the last month. Boy, are we looking forward to that. No, really, we are. Then our trusty designer Chris will get straight on to the design and layout and all that jazz. Then… the launch party – a chance to celebrate the hard work that everyone has put into this issue. What fun!


Filed under Issue Two, News

They Speak: Jordi Kerr

Story To… contributor Jordi Kerr discovered her passion for the written word in Grade 2 and has been putting pen to paper ever since.

ST: How long have you been writing and/or creating artwork for and why?

JK: Since I was a lil’ tacker – once I stopped the daily career changes between policewoman and baby-sitter. It was one fateful day in Grade 2, during a creative writing class, that I decided I was going to be an authoress when I grew up. At the time I didn’t realise that Grade 2 was full of such important life-lessons; only the week before we’d had a class on making jelly. The reason I’ve continued writing is a mixture of stubbornness and enjoyment – I feel more alive when I’m playing with words.

ST: The theme of Story To…, trains, is quite broad. How did you decide on your subject matter?

JK: I actually got my first inspiration from a story in mX (ha ha ha!). It started out as a story of objectophilia towards the grand old lady that is North Melbourne station, but the style made it evolve into something else again.

ST: We are currently planning the next edition of Story To… What would you like to see in there?

JK: More pages! More contributors. More mirabilary works by Miss Gentle. Just more all around!

ST: What’s the best website you’ve visited in the last week?

JK: Gotye: because I’ve fallen in love with Hearts A Mess. The other songs aren’t bad either. 🙂

ST: Assuming the Australian government has a file on everyone in this country, what do you think they have on file about you?

JK: Probably that I’m wanted for HECS debt, with a footnote about being a potential troublemaker of the low-threat variety. (I inherited a conscience that objects to unnecessary violence and unnecessarily violent weapons). And if they didn’t before then I guess they do now.

Story To... contributor, Jordi Kerr


Filed under Networking, News, They Speak